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Husbands get pregnant too!

The journey of pregnancy starts with the Good News and the excitement that follows for nine months. And it ends with a beautiful new person in life. 
Well this journey is lived by both Mom-to-be as well as Dad-to-be. Including pregnancy related symptoms, anxiousness, surprises, sleepless nights, pains and faints. Don't believe me yet, read along...

When we got the good news, I felt emotional and sudden gush of happiness which I didn't knew how to express and tears rolled out. My husband held my hand, and his eyes and gestures expressed that this moment was the best moment in his life.
Then started my first roller coaster ride with nausea and not able to eat. With vomiting 4-5 times a day, I was struggling to keep food inside my stomach. There were so many times, when I had dinner and then puked immediately after. My husband would simply skip his dinner then, so that I could eat my round 2 or 3 of dinner. He would have to eat snacks or breads, even after cooking that dinner (and doing the dishes).

When I was vomitting, feeling uncertain and confused about the changes in my body, my husband was standing behind me, holding me and worrying if I were okay.

There were many smells that I couldn't stand anymore and made me sick. While my husband also had too deal with the smells when I was bloated :D (almost throughout my pregnancy)

While I am physically tired with the start of third trimester, so would be my husband. As he manages all the daily chores of laundry, mopping, dishes, cooking and also taking care of me, and not to forget he has a full-time Job.

While I have nights where I have to push myself to be optimistic that everything will be fine and I will make it to the normal delivery. My husband is by my side making me feel positive and happy. He would have sleepless nights too, but just wouldn't let me know.

So when my life changed with onset of pregnancy and I was dealing with vomitting, dizziness, leg cramps, back aches, etc... 
His life changed too. My husband was also dealing with managing food for me, baby and himself, taking up lot of household chores, distracted sleep, change of his daily routines and no more free times, dealing with my mood swings, etc. 

Athough they don't physically feel the phases of pregnancy, they feel pretty much everything else. Although a women's journey of pregnancy cannot be described or compared, a man's journey is no less worth praising. And that's why, Husbands get pregnant too! :)

Here's to all the caring and wonderful husbands out there.

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